US Navy gets into the fight by honoring Nico Cassabria with a flag of his own

While Honorary Firefighter Nico is in his greatest fight, the challenge has surpassed the first responders, and now brings in the big guns of the U.S. Military.

"On July 13th the submarine USS Topeka, flew a brand new American Flag in honor of Nico. The flag was flown from morning to evening colors and will be presented to him along with authentic letter officially recognizing Nico as a honorary sailor on the sub. Keep fighting Nico! #hooyah #NicosFleet#NoOneFightsAlone"

Honor, Courage, and Dedication, to not give up the fight, will always inspire many to never to give up Hope, and retain more supporters to help support a on going battle. 


Courtesy of Catherine Gottlieb.and NICO'S ARMY